Hi! Welcome to my shop. :) Thanks for checking out my wares. Please give this a read before submitting a contact form, thanks!
Q: Why is your mascot a cat if your brand is called FATHONEYBEE
A: FATHONEYBEE is a cat. Next question
Q: My order was lost, what can I do?
A: I offer replacements & partial refunds on the occasion that packages are lost. :( Please contact me!
Q: When will X be restocked?
A: Depends! I usually restock my more popular items regularly but some of the things that don't sell as well won't be back once they're sold out. Plushies will not be restocked (sorry) since they are very, very, expensive to produce and I order them in bulk to reduce production costs. I keep all my plushie listings active in my store as a record for myself and customers visiting.
If you really want a plushie that's currently out of stock and are willing to pay a bit extra for a copy, feel free to contact me and I'll see what I can do.
Q: Why are you products so expensive? :(
A: Listen. I hate it too. But I live in America.